Embodied female founder, strategist & branding guru.

Changing the industry, one day at a time.

Rachel Lynne

Changing the industry, one day at a time.

Rachel Lynne

Changing the industry, one day at a time.

I didn’t always have my dream
                 : the clients, the mastermind, the sales, the podcast...

I've learned to stop the hustle, unlearn the idea of "normal", release the need to make concrete and inflexible 5 year plans, embrace the feminine and let go of the expectation that working harder yields better results. I've said hello to an unapologetically authentic and true vision for my life & business and found my confidence in the process. My journey through entrepreneurship has taught me that I truly can have everything I want. 

Truthfully, I spent years living with poor money mindset, believing I was unworthy and stuck on the hamster wheel of "doing" too much. It took some serious work, soul searching and strategy to go from "doing" to "being". I've learned that embodying my truth and being myself is not only the catalyst in my business but it's given me the opportunity to be completely content & fulfilled in my personal life. 

I didn’t always have
my dream                  :
 the clients, the
mastermind, the sales, the podcast...


I was the girl listening to “9 to 5” and swearing off any chance of ever punching a time clock.  I started selling lemonade at garage sales when I was six years old and spent my teen years schlepping Tupperware all over Northeastern Indiana to pay for gas money and concert tickets. I haven’t always known “how” I’d run a business or even what I wanted to “do” but I’ve always believed I’d be my family’s first entrepreneur.

looking back

Now, I’m most likely working by my pool and co-creating incredible female owned brands.

Want to know my creative purpose? Inspiring women to reclaim their power to live embodied lives. Crushing the myth that only "hard work" builds successful businesses. Showing the visionary that building their brand and starting a business is closer than they can imagine. Ditching the idea of "normal" or "should".  Encouraging authenticity and sharing vulnerability so others feel empowered.

I believe that entrepreneurship and business is spiritual. Intuition, intentionality and embodied living are at the core of how I do business. I can't wait to show you what happens when you embrace your truth, embody your brand and take aligned action!

Fast forward...

I've worn many hats and have had many roles but the one that lights me up is entrepreneur.

I'm "Mama" to my kids, "Babe" to my hubby, "Rach" to my bestie, and "Sis" to my fam. Don't get me wrong I LOVE all of that but the role that gives me autonomy and gives me permission to BE my truest version of me is ENTREPRENEUR

I spent actual years chasing, hoping, dreaming and wishing I could be someone else. I'd drive by the houses, see the families, hear the stories and longed for the belonging to community. Now as an embodied woman, I deeply and genuinely cherish all the relationships I have in my life. I've been blessed with a great husband, six amazing kids, a big extended family and one of the best friends I could ask for but in the spirit of transparency I have to share that I've both had and lost more money and material things than I can count. I've lived in my dream home and in a dumpy apartment. I've been married and divorced. I've raised kids both as a single mom and with a husband & present father. I've been happy and sad. Healthy and ill. 

The shift to joy and contentment with my life came when I decided to embrace what I know to be true - I am unconditionally loved and supported.  I could wake up tomorrow and decide to sell cheeseburgers to astronauts on the moon and I will still come out ok ... and guess what friend?! So will you! 

I had to get real comfortable with who I am and confident with stopping the "busy"ness and start leaning into my being. I found what sparks my creativity, what my dream schedule is, how I want to serve, and what I want to offer the world. That clarity came from the conscious effort to take big leaps and bet on myself. 

That meant both letting go and being open to receiving. It meant saying yes to abundance and taking action towards what's been laid on my heart and making bold strides towards autonomy and aligned decisions. 

It meant committing to entrepreneurship.

Here's how it went. 


My Childhood Era


The 90's were seriously one of the best decades in history. Probably the best for country music, Halloween decor, Disney, Julia Roberts films, birthday parties at Discovery Zone, and Britney Spears. I learned how to make my own quick cash selling everything from lemonade to bags of snacks at school. I spent my summer 8th grade year traveling Europe thanks to door to door soliciting for $1 raffle tickets. I raised over $5k that year and had no idea then how much value I'd gain from all that doorknocking!

Way back

Let's kick it


marion, indiana

hot dogs & peas were a staple from '91-'93


I'm doing it          my way

GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL & started college

moved 5 hrs away from home - hello city livin'


grew to the top 10% in network marketing as at the age of 19 & baked pies at 4am to pay for books

Where it all


Start a family they said...


Just kidding. Literally no one said that. I married my high school flame, dropped out of school and moved back to my home town. This was the era where I had two beautiful babies, joined a new network marketing company, hit top 10% in sales, and realized why God gave me two ears and and one mouth. I digress. 

i filed for divorce

now a single mama

learned to become a lead gen magnet


Finding love.

we travel over 60,000 miles promoting shows at over 200 events

We gross over half a million in business


started a christian concert promotion company with my boo thang

brand development becomes my jam

realized the value of true connection through building relationships

embraced the role "independent contractor" and set my own standards

I marry a ... wait for it ... an ENTREPRENEUR. Hubby, Jason, and I meet online and get married 6 months later.  We blended our 4 kiddos and moved to North Carolina.  No one was happy about it and our families had more drama than a Lifetime movie but the love was there. 10000% would do it all again... (sans the drama - self help books taught me new concepts including boundaries iykyk)

I bet on him.


I'm diagnosed with fibromyalgia



I bet on me


Enter the new social media era! I found a new woman buried deep inside myself in 2018. I found a voice online, I enrolled in cosmetology school at 6 months pregnant, became very aware of strategy in brand positioning, had another baby, and decided it was my year. 

we lost it all - our entire life-savings. 

WE grew too fast, bit of more than we could handle & the pledged funding for our non-profit never came through



miles of travel, multiple weddings, lots of balayage, a dog ice cream business and oodles of clothes, inventory & even a bus are purchased

embraced the role of business consultant


hubby takes a new job in jacksonville, florida

moriah & her hubby move too

hubby became an employee and We moved across the country to start over - hair school included

i found a mentor, hired a coach, & met my bestie

My fear checked out somewhere back in 2019 and I decided I was going to be the best damn hairdresser in Grant County, IN. I slayed behind the chair and grew from a country bumpkin booth rent stylist to a multi-six figure suite owner in less than six months.  I had (another ... yes we're up to SIX now) NICU baby and started a collaborative business with my best friend, Moriah. Together we built a bridal empire and I finally gave myself permission to take up space. I art directed and staged over 75 styled shoots throughout the course of the pandemic. COVID changed a lot for a lot of folks but 2020 gave me the opportunity to dig deep into coaching, connection and growth. 

I'm an official hairstylist (with awards!)

The one where we were really broke $

Business         booms 



Hold my tea...


Moriah and I sign a storefront lease for our salon + boutique, Do Good Beauty. Two weeks later, I manage to be T-boned by a major league baseball player in a half ton truck. I had a ruptured spleen and was diagnosed with another myriad of autoimmune issues including psoriatic arthritis.

Everything changed



Rubber met the road at the start of the 2023 New Year. After a three week autoimmune flare in December 2022, I officially hung up my paint brush and we decided to close our storefront. Our marketing agency, The Southern Citrus launched mid-January and reached multiple five figure months by Feb 1. 

my autoimmune condition worsens and threatens my time at the chair

the southern citrus is born

do good beauty storefront officially opens

moriah and i freelance our first web design clients together

Anew chapter




My embodied era

January 2023

the pulp to profit podcast has launched

the citrus circle is born

i've spent 9 months in deep embodiment & personal development coaching

I consult to over 50 businesses and have built multiple brands

do good beauty
storefront officially opens

Here's the truth about every thing I ever wanted.                

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t solve all of life’s problems and the money doesn't make everything perfect. But the financial, time, and space freedom can completely change how you experience your life - cue autonomy!

Take it from a girl who spent years "doing" too much and trying to "be" someone else in hopes of generating enough money to be free. Had I only known that I just needed to be myself!

If you’re ready to learn collapse time, learn proven strategies, and fast track your way to consistent profitability then here's your sign. Let's start or grow your embodied brand
and business!

I could've had it a long time ago!

I just needed to let go of fear and "be" me.

I'm ready to chat

 the Team






Digital marketing expert, email campaign champion, real estate capitalist

Girl behind the camera, graphic designer, Rachel's ride or die 

Networking ninja, social media connoisseur, & travel aficionado

Relationship builder, music maven, & Pulp to Profit
audio editor


Okay- not really paid, Rachel's hubby & master proofreader


The whole enchilada, tea snob,
branding expert 

Working with Rachel gave me the courage to step out into my own suite.  I've been a stylist for 4 years and was so nervous about spending 5 hours straight being vulnerable about my dreams, but she made the experience so calming and enjoyable.

I have the confidence to start building my own book of business and working towards my own salon.

-Tori T.

My branding intensive was seriously game changing. I needed this time to plan & strategize.

I've worked in corporate banking my entire career but had no idea how to build my own business. I knew I wanted to be home with my kids and have flexibility but I had no idea where to start.  Doing the branding intensive with Rachel has really helped me create a plan. 

I love baking and I'm even more in love with the ability to live the lifestyle that I choose!

-Jessica B.

I knew I wanted to start my cake decorating business but I really had no clue how to get it going.

I love my teaching job but I really love shooting weddings. My biggest hurdle was attracting high-end clients so that I could go full-time in my photography business and still have some weekends off to be with my kids. I tried and tried but I had a hard time making the branding and money make sense. 

Doing a branding intensive really helped me pull all the pieces together and I'm so glad I went all in!

-Miranda R.

Photography has always been my passion but I've struggled to get the details together for me to go full-time.

Hey girl!

I'm Rachel Lynne

Female founder, branding expert,  podcaster, creative, and embodied woman. I'm so glad you're here. Now let's take aligned action & co-create.

Coming Soon!