What Took So Long?

episode 1:

Ever find yourself wanting to “hit go” so bad it hurts but find yourself filled with the fear of failure & self doubt? Don’t fret - this is totally me most of the time but I’m working on it!

I”m Rachel Lynne Wall - entrepreneur, branding strategist, relationship builder, creator and recovering perfectionist. 

In "Episode 1: What’s This All About,” I’m inviting you behind the scenes, offering a glimpse into who I am, why I created “Pulp to Profit” and how (until recently) imposter syndrome has kept me from going full ass on my podcasting dreams. 

Honest transparency moment - this isn’t my first go at releasing a first episode. My intention for podcasting started 7 years ago but I felt completely stuck and paralyzed thanks to that annoying inner critic of self-doubt and poor self-talk. I’ve been recording content since June 2023 and have finally found the confidence to let go and publish an episode!

I’m pivoting away from perfection, owning my own production, and embodying the confidence I’ve gained & truth I’ve found this past year. While I value polished professional services - heck I own a creative agency- I also feel a deep conviction to self-produce and promote this platform in alignment with my divine purpose and design. 

Listen in as I allow myself the freedom to start and openly share both my fear of and excitement for launching my very own (and LOOOONG overdue) lifestyle and branding podcast! 

This episode not only aims to empower you to get going but also exists to provide YOU with the opportunity to dive deep into your fears and blocks around getting started. 

As a way to guide you on your journey, I’ll be introducing a journal page following every episode that you can download and print for your deep dive during your meditation and reflection time. 

This journal page is designed to help you track your progress and continue your personal growth through the evolution of the "Pulp to Profit" podcast and community.  

Join me as I take the first step into this zesty adventure despite the fear of failure or the possibility that the whole thing could go sour and maybe even totally suck. Let’s do this together! 

listen now 



Take some time to be inspired and dive deep into reflection! 

Hey girl!

I'm Rachel Lynne

Female founder, branding expert,  podcaster, creative, and embodied woman. I'm so glad you're here. Now let's take aligned action & co-create.

Coming Soon!